Poetry in Motion from Coast to Coast: 120 Poems from the Subways and Buses
Poetry in Motion from Coast to Coast: 120 Poems from the Subways and Buses PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An all-new worthy successor to the immensely popular anthology of display placards in public transportation.
Originated in 1992 in New York City, the Poetry in Motion™ program traveled to Chicago and now appears in eleven cities nationwide, from Baltimore to Houston; Portland, Oregon; and Los Angeles. The wonderfully diverse poets represented include Sherman Alexie, William Blake, Billy Collins, Sharon Olds, Langston Hughes, Pablo Neruda, and Joy Harjo, among many others. Read this volume and re-create the feeling of being captured unexpectedly―for a special moment―by the truth or wit of these brief poems. As in the previous edition, the editors spent countless hours selecting out of hundreds of possibilities from the varied voices of poets ranging from the ancients up to the present time. Elise Paschen introduces the collection; William Louis-Dreyfus contributes its preface. Poetry in Motion™ is in these cities: New York; Washington, D.C.; Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts; Portland, Oregon; Chicago; Dallas; Los Angeles; Austin, Texas; Baltimore; Philadelphia; Iowa City; Des Moines.From reader reviews:
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