Pennsylvania Wilds: Images from the Allegheny National Forest by Lisa Gensheimer, Ed Bernik, Jonathan Tourtellot
Pennsylvania Wilds: Images from the Allegheny National Forest by Lisa Gensheimer, Ed Bernik, Jonathan Tourtellot PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
One of only fifteen national forests in the eastern United States, the Allegheny National Forest encompasses 800 square miles in northcentral Pennsylvania. Discover the beauty of this natural area, its bears, bats, and bobcats of today, and its rich history, encompassing the Seneca Nation and pioneering lumber, oil, and natural gas industries. Pennsylvania Wilds celebrates the cultural heritage of a national forest that plays host to an unfolding drama that continues today. A beautifully illustrated history of the forest from prehistoric times to the present that covers 50 can’t-miss attractions in the Allegheny National Forest region. The interactive "Forest Companion" CD gives readers a bird’s-eye view of the biology, geology, and history of the Allegheny National Forest.From reader reviews:
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