Senin, 01 September 2014

PDF⋙ St Paul's Cathedral: Sir Christopher Wren (Architecture in Detail) by Vaughan Hart

St Paul's Cathedral: Sir Christopher Wren (Architecture in Detail) by Vaughan Hart

St Paul's Cathedral: Sir Christopher Wren (Architecture in Detail)

St Paul's Cathedral: Sir Christopher Wren (Architecture in Detail) by Vaughan Hart PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

St Paul's Cathedral is known as Sir Christopher Wren's masterwork, combining Renaissance and Baroque elements with a geometric form. It is a celebration of the refinement of the Vitruvian Orders and testimony to Wren's capacity to utilize traditional Gothic and Renaissance building methods within his own re-examination of architectural practice based on empirical reasoning and his mathematical knowledge. The book provides a through analysis of Wren's initial Cathedral schemes to the final built design - the first Protestant Cathedral to be built in Britain. The details both of the exterior and the interior, as well as the Cathedral's constructed dome, have been extensively photographed providing a presentation of this building. Built over a 30-year period following the Great Fire, the Cathedral still dominates the City of London.

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