Changing by Design: A Practical Approach to Leading Innovation in Nonprofit Organizations by Douglas C. Eadie
Changing by Design: A Practical Approach to Leading Innovation in Nonprofit Organizations by Douglas C. Eadie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Change is an ever-present and powerful force in today's fast-paced world. To keep an organization clearly focused on fulfilling its mission, nonprofit leaders must develop specific, strategic initiatives to meet the challenges of a constantly evolving environment.Changing by Design offers a proactive approach to both designing and implementing change initiatives within nonprofit organizations. By addressing three key areas?coordinated leadership on the part of the chief executive and the board, creative innovation in deciding what needs to change and how to change it, and effective implementation of new ideas and programs, this book presents a balanced, comprehensive model for successfully managing change in today's nonprofit.
Illustrated by real-life case studies, Changing by Design shows how to:
* Design and manage a change plan?from initial analysis through implementation
* Partner effectively with the board in leading change
* Encourage and unleash creativity and innovation in developing change initiatives
* Effectively involve staff in designing and implementing change
* Protect change initiatives from becoming sidetracked by day-to-day pressures
* Recognize and deal with barriers to change
To successfully fulfill its mission and remain relevant to the world around it, an organization must not only be ready and able to adapt to change but must also develop a culture where change is used as a strategic, creative tool for growth. Changing by Design provides the innovative change management approach that will prepare any nonprofit organization to both maintain and expand its capacity to address the serious economic and social issues facing today's turbulent world.
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