Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Physics for Engineers and Scientists (Extended Third Edition) (Chapters 1-41) by Hans C. Ohanian, John T. Markert

Physics for Engineers and Scientists (Extended Third Edition) (Chapters 1-41) by Hans C. Ohanian, John T. Markert

Physics for Engineers and Scientists (Extended Third Edition) (Chapters 1-41)

Physics for Engineers and Scientists (Extended Third Edition) (Chapters 1-41) by Hans C. Ohanian, John T. Markert PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Designed for the introductory calculus-based physics course, Physics for Engineers and Scientists is distinguished by its lucid exposition and accessible coverage of fundamental physical concepts.

The text presents a modern view of classical mechanics and electromagnetism for today's science and engineering students, including coverage of optics and quantum physics and emphasizing the relationship between macroscopic and microscopic phenomena.

Organized to address specific concepts and then build on them, this highly readable text divides each chapter into short, focused sections followed by review questions. Using real-world examples, the authors offer a glimpse of the practical applications of physics in science and engineering, developing a solid conceptual foundation before introducing mathematical results and derivations (a basic knowledge of derivatives and integrals is assumed).

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Physics for Engineers and Scientists (Extended Third Edition) (Chapters 1-41) by Hans C. Ohanian, John T. Markert EPub

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